Ko wai tō ingoa? / What is your first name?
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Tō ingoa whānau / What is your surname?
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Tō wāhitau īmēra / Email address
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Tō nama kāri whare pukapuka / Library card number
Please provide your library card number (beginning with M or QL).
This is required.
Tō whare pukapuka / Select your pick-up Library
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Interloan Details
Please provide as much detail as possible below about your interloan request.
Taitara / Title(s)
Please provide the title of your requested item(s). If you have more than one request, please include here.
This is required.
Kaituhi / Author(s)
Please provide the author's name for each item you have requested.
This is required.
Kaitā me te tau / Publisher(s) and date(s)
If known, please provide the name of the publisher and publishing date of each item requested.
Ētahi atu kōrero / Other details or comments
Please provide any other information or comments that you think will be useful.
Tuku / Submit